Bala Sastri: Bhamati
Bala Sastri Bhamati. Bhamati, a gloss on Sankara Acharya’s commentary on the Brahma Sutras, by Vachaspati Misra. Sanscrit. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1876-1880. VI, 766 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 83) Restauflagenexemplar zum Sonderpreis! Remainder, special price! Es handelt sich um…

Rajendralala Mitra: Aitareya Aranyaka
Rajendralala Mitra Aitareya Aranyaka, with the commentary of Sayana Acharya. Sanscrit. Introduction in English. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1875-1876. X, 22, 479 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 82) Restauflagenexemplar zum Sonderpreis! Remainder, special price! Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar…

Eggeling, Julius: The Katantra
Eggeling, Julius The Katantra, with the commentary of Durgasimha. Edited, with notes and indexes, by Julius Eggeling. Sanscrit. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1874-1878. II, 576 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 81) Restauflagenexemplar zum Sonderpreis! Remainder, special price! Es handelt sich um…

Beames, John: Prithirajraso
Beames, John Prithirajraso. The Prithiraja Rasau of Chand Bardai. Sanscrit. Edited in the original old Hindi by John Beames and A. F. Rudolf Hoernle and an English translation by A. F. R. Hoernle. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1873-1886. II,…

Ramamaya Tarkaratna: The Atharvana Upanishads
Ramamaya Tarkaratna The Atharvana Upanishads, with the commentary of Narayana. Sanscrit. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1872-1874. II, 479 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 76) Restauflagenexemplar zum Sonderpreis! Remainder, special price! Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar der Auflage von 1991,…

Rajendralala Mitra: The Taittiriya Pratisakhya
Rajendralala Mitra The Taittiriya Pratisakhya, with the commentary entitled the Tribhashyaratna. Sanscrit. Preface in English. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1871-1872. XII, 258 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 75) Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar der Auflage von 1990, von der…

Visvanatha Sastri: Chandasutra
Visvanatha Sastri Chandasutra. Chhandah Sutra of Pingal Acharya, with the commentary of Halayudha. Sanscrit. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1871-1874. X, 238 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 74) Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar der Auflage von 1988, von der nur…

Bharatachandra Siromani: Caturvargacintamani. Letztes Set!
Bharatachandra Siromani Caturvargacintamani. Chaturvarga Chintamani by Hemadri. Edited by Bharatachandra Siromani (vol. II,2 edited by Yogesvara Bhattacharya and Kamakhyanatha Tarkaratna; vol. III edited by Yajnecvara Smritiranta and Kamakhya Nath Tarkavagica; vol. IV edited by Pramatha Natha Tarkabhusana). Sanscrit. Reprint of…

Satyavrata Samasrami: Sama Veda Sanhita, with the commentary of Sayana Acharya.
Satyavrata Samasrami Sama Veda Sanhita, with the commentary of Sayana Acharya. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1871-1878. 5 vols. Sanscrit. 36, 936, 18, 547, 22, 688, 22, 562, 46, 674 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 71) Restauflagenexemplar zum Sonderpreis! Es handelt sich…

Ramamaya Tarkaratna: The Nrisinha Tapani of the Atharva Veda, with the commentary of Sankara Acharya.
Ramamaya Tarkaratna The Nrisinha Tapani of the Atharva Veda, with the commentary of Sankara Acharya. Sanscrit. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1870-1871. 21, 256, 6 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 70) Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar der Auflage von 1988,…