Rajendralala Mitra: Gopathabrahmana. The Gopatha Brahmana of the Atharva Veda.
Rajendralala Mitra Gopathabrahmana. The Gopatha Brahmana of the Atharva Veda. Sanscrit. Introduction in English. Edited by Rajendralala Mitra and Harachandra Vidya Bhushana. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1870-1872. XXII, 39, 183 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 69) Es handelt sich um ein…
Rajendralala Mitra: PURANAS. Agnipurana. Agni Purana, a collection of Hindu mythology and traditions.
Rajendralala Mitra PURANAS. Agnipurana. Agni Purana, a collection of Hindu mythology and traditions. Sanscrit. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1870-1879. 3 vols. VIII, 384, X, 481, VIII, 39, 385 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 65). Restauflagenexemplar zum Sonderpreis! Remainder, special price! Es…
Harachandra Vidyabhushana: Gopalatapaniyopanisad
Harachandra Vidyabhushana Gopalatapaniyopanisad. Gopalatapani of the Atharva Veda with the commentary of Visvesvara. Sanscrit. Edited by Harachandra Vidyabhushana and Visvanatha Sastri. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1870. XVIII, 69 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 64) Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar…
Rajendralala Mitra:
Rajendralala Mitra The Taittiriya Aranyaka of the Black Yajur Veda, with the commentary of Sayanacharya. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1864-1872. 2 vols. Sanscrit. Introduction and Table of Contents in English. VI, 82, 928, 56 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 52) Restauflagenexemplar…
Ramanarayana Vidyaratna: Srautasutra
Ramanarayana Vidyaratna Srautasutra. The Srauta Sutra of Asvalayana, with the commentary of Gargya Narayana. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1864-1874. 2 vols. Sanscrit. X, 892, 148 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 49) Restauflagenexemplar zum Sonderpreis! Remainder, special price! Es handelt sich um…
Mahamahopadhyaya Mahesachandra Nyayaratna: Jaimini. Mimansasutra
Mahamahopadhyaya Mahesachandra Nyayaratna Jaimini. Mimansasutra. The Mimansa Darsana (aphorisms of the Mimansa), one of the six systems of Hindu philosophy, or an exposition of the ceremonial rites of the Vedas by Jaimini with the commentary Savara Svamin. Reprint of the…
Cowell, Edward Byles: Maitryupanisad
Cowell, Edward Byles Maitryupanisad. The Maitri or Maitrayaniya Upanishad, with the commentary of Ramatirtha. Sanscrit. Edited, with an English translation, by Edward Byles Cowell. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1862-1870. XIX, 291 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 42) Es handelt sich um…
Premachandra Tarkabagisa: Kavyadarsa. The Kavyadarsa of Sri Dandin
Premachandra Tarkabagisa Kavyadarsa. The Kavyadarsa of Sri Dandin Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1862-1863. Sanscrit. XVI, 448 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 40) Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar der Auflage von 1989, von der nur noch 5 Exemplare vorhanden sind….
Cowell, Edward Byles: Kausitakibrahmanopanisad
Cowell, Edward Byles Kausitakibrahmanopanisad. The Kaushitaki-Brahmana-Upanishad with the commentary of Sankarananda. Edited with an English translation by Edward Byles Cowell. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1861. Sanscrit. Preface in English. XIV, 191 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 39) Es handelt sich um…
Krishna Mohana Banerjea: Pancaratra. The Narada Pancha Ratra.
Krishna Mohana Banerjea Pancaratra. The Narada Pancha Ratra. Reprint of the edition Calcutta 1861-1865. Sanscrit. XI, 371 pp. (Bibliotheca Indica, 38) Es handelt sich um ein neues Restauflagenexemplar der Auflage von 1989, von der nur noch 5 Exemplare vorhanden sind….